Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Meet Mr. Faculty Octopus

Hi guys,

Here's a poster I finished just the other day. It was a commision for a student at my old university. He provided a rough sketch which I refined and colored. So the design isn't really mine - but this is the closest I come right now to having something remotely interesting to post here ;)

It's a satirical protest against the management at the Faculty of Science - more specifically how the management has been, well, managing things since the introduction of a new university law in 2003. It'll be printed out in A3 and hung up all around the faculty.

Maybe this guy's a less scary and considerably more incompetent cousin to Femma's sea monster?? :p


  1. Wow, it looks rather radioactive in the large version!
    I don't know why the colors go amok like that. They're supposed to be like in the thumbnail (which of course looks terribly dull after looking at the radioactive version). Oh well.

  2. nice GJ!!!!!!!! i like the radioactive version!!!! :P it's kind of funny
